
Completed Projects

Legend of Zelda landing page

Landing Page Project

This landing page was my final project for the SheCodes Basic workshop. I had to create a landing page using basic HTML, CSS and Javascript on a hobby/topic of interest. I chose gaming — specifically, the Legend of Zelda. When the page loads, it'll ask for and greet you by name. The button is also interactive and will change based on your response.
Open-sourced on GitHub

Vanilla weather app

Vanilla Weather Project

In the SheCodes Plus workshop, I had to create a Vanilla weather app using HTML, CSS and Javascript. It fetches live data from the SheCodes API and displays the current temperature in celsius or fahrenheit. The current day's high/low range, wind speed, and the 5-day forecast are shown in metric units.
Open-sourced on GitHub

React weather app

React Weather Project

In the SheCodes React workshop, I had to create a weather app using HTML, CSS, JavaScript and React.js. It fetches live data from the SheCodes API and displays the current temperature in celsius or fahrenheit. The current day's wind speed and the 5-day forecast are shown in metric units. The weather icons are from an animated react template.
Open-sourced on GitHub

Please note: This portfolio was my final project for SheCodes Responsive.
It is open-sourced on GitHub.

Upcoming Projects

TBD — freeCodeCamp Certification Projects
TBD — SheCodes Monthly Challenges